How to create an outdoor ice rink at home

Can you really have an ice rink right in your own backyard? Yes, you can, and it’s probably a lot less complicated than you think. That is, as long as you follow the six steps presented below. Although the first snows have just barely arrived, it isn’t too early to get started on your rink so that it will be ready once the cold season is here in full force.

Prepare to create your own ice rink so you can welcome your friends and family to enjoy superb outdoor activities all winter long!

Step 1: Choosing the size and location

This is the most logical way to begin, don’t you think? To get the most out of your ice rink, you should choose a site that’s relatively flat. Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from leveling the ground, if necessary, but if you do, it will be much easier if you choose an area that lends itself to those efforts. If there’s already snow on the ground, you can tamp it down with a shovel or you and your family can put on your boots and trample it for guaranteed results! Finally, avoid any spot that’s too sunny and try to install your rink near a water faucet to make it easier to fill and near an electrical outlet to make it easier to light.

With regard to the dimensions of your rink, they’ll depend on the size of your property, of course, but also on the way in which you intend to use the rink. A smaller ice rink will permit you to skate in peace, while a larger one will enable you to host some fierce hockey matches! When making your construction plans, don’t forget to allow for enough space around the chosen site to clear away the snow.

Step 2: Installing the borders

This step will also depend on how you plan to use your ice rink. If you want a skating area, a border made of snow will suffice. However, for a sportier activity, the borders must be at least 60 cm high, made of snow or, for those who are avid do-it-yourselfers, wooden boards. Besides softening any falls, they’ll help shield the ice from sunlight. If you use wooden rink boards, to make the process easier and the construction sturdier, you should ideally put the border in place before the first heavy snowfall.

Step 3: Choosing and installing the polyethylene liner

Far from being unnecessary, a polyethylene liner will guarantee the solidity of the ice by protecting it against repeated cycles of frost and thaw. With temperatures fluctuating more widely over the years, you’re best off securing the foundation of your ice rink. If you fail to install a liner, you should be aware that a spate of warm days could cause a break in the ice and allow the water to seep into the ground. You’ll then have to wait for another cold snap before you can repair the crack. To ensure ease of installation, choose a day that isn’t windy. And above all, choose the right net or tarp for your skating rink.

With regard to the price of an ice-rink liner, you can opt for a 30 × 50-foot liner, which will cost between $220 and $390, depending on the quality of the material. It’s imperative that you purchase a white liner, as a darker one will not only melt the ice but could also burn your lawn on sunny days. Once you’ve installed the liner, you can attach the wooden boards or surround it with a good layer of snow.

Step 4: Making the ice

Here’s the step you’ve been eagerly waiting for: making the ice! Just as you would when following a recipe, you’ll have to exercise a bit of patience. First, you must wait until outdoor temperatures fall below −15° C for two consecutive nights. Next, tamp down the snow. From that point, there are two different schools of thought. You can choose to flood your rink to a depth of at least 6 cm and up to 10 cm. In this case, you’ll need to wait three or four days for the ice to form. Alternatively, you can use a garden hose with an adjustable nozzle to spray a series of 2.5-cm layers, waiting approximately two to four hours between them to allow enough time for each one to freeze. Whichever method you choose, the quality of the ice will be roughly the same in terms of solidity and slipperiness. Once you’ve created the base of your ice rink, hose it down and let it freeze, repeating the process several times in order to create a beautiful shiny surface. Use the coldest water possible to accelerate the freezing process.

Step 5: Don’t forget about maintenance…

By now, you undoubtedly understand that ice rinks don’t tolerate cycles of frost and thaw very well. That’s why regular maintenance is indispensable.

You can start by cleaning the ice after each use or snowfall. A snow-shovel or snow blower will be your best bet! Afterwards, sweep the frozen surface with a push broom. If you notice any holes, fill them with snow and smooth them out with mittens or a hockey puck. It’s best to do these repairs at night so that your ice rink will be ready for use the following day. You should also hose the ice down several times over the season. You can use warm water for this if you can get it to reach the ice rink. This option will enable you to benefit from extra-hard ice. However, since this isn’t always very practical, cold water will also do the trick. To optimize the process, try to plan this maintenance procedure for times when outdoor temperatures are between −7° C and −18° C.

Step 6: …Or safety!

Safety on every level! First, there are your skates, which you’ll need to sharpen, especially if you alternate between skating indoors and outdoors. Next, in order to keep up with maintenance and perform any necessary repairs, you’ll want to avoid being gone for long periods.

Last but not least, you’ll need to talk to your insurance company to make sure that you have adequate coverage. To get the most out of your ice rink, you should also impose a few rules of good behavior on your entourage, ensure that there’s suitable lighting for evening and nighttime activities and prepare some hot chocolate to celebrate the good times you’ll have on the ice!

As you can see, creating your own ice rink is virtually child’s play to make your own rink at home. Even so, don’t hesitate to talk to the professionals at Toiles GR, your custom tarps and covers manufacturer, to find out what ice rink tarps are available, how much they cost and which one is best for your rink. Customization, quality and advice are the hallmarks of the services they’ve been offering to their loyal, satisfied customers for 30 years!


Noovo Moi. Comment faire une patinoire chez soi? [How to make an ice rink at home]. 2022.
La Presse. Tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour faire sa patinoire [Everything you need to know to make an ice rink]. 2019.